Team Coaching

The prize for building effective top teams is clear: they develop better strategies, perform more consistently and increase the confidence of stakeholders. They get positive results – and make the work itself a more positive experience both for the team’s members and for the people they lead”. McKinsey Quarterly

We know from research that diverse teams make better decisions, are more innovative and in the long run consistently outperform homogeneous teams. We also know that highly effective teams need to work hard to succeed, and that team coaching can support them in building this success.

We work with teams when they are both together and apart with a focus on both improving collective performance, how they work together and their collective leadership to support them in engaging with and delivering value to all their stakeholders. We typically focus on the four areas identified below, often starting with gaining clarity of your core purpose, why you do what you do, looking from the future backwards and the outside in rather than just growing yesterday’s success.

We work with many types of teams;

  • Executive and senior leadership teams
  • Functional teams
  • Project teams, brought together for a specified task and time period
  • Geographically dispersed